Pharmaceutical Recruitment Service
The APC Instytut’s mission is to support pharmaceutical companies in achieving business goals through creative and professional use of many years of experience in the industry.
What is the recruitment service?
- At the client’s request, the APC Instytut undertakes the search for and verifies candidates’ competencies for the positions indicated.
- We recruit in accordance with our own standards and we strictly follow the arrangements made with the client regarding the candidate’s profile.
Why is it worth to choose the APC Instytut?
- We have many years of experience in recruitment and selection of employees.
- We settle with the customer on the basis of a success fee.
- We have a continuingly updated network of contacts with candidates.
- The recruitment process is carried out very quickly and effectively.
- We check the candidates’ references.
What are the benefits of the recruitment conducted by the APC Instytut?
- Generates lower costs than recruitment and selection conducted by the company.
- Saves time – the entrepreneur chooses from a few or a dozen people with proven qualifications.
- Guarantees stability and continuity of employment.
- Significantly reduces the risk of job – candidate mismatches.